[i] Specify a menu strip object for this window.
Source position: MUIClass.Window.pas line 149
published property TMUIWindow.Menustrip : TMUINotify |
The object is treated as a child of the window and will be disposed when the window is disposed.
Menustrip objects defined for a window will override an MUIApp.MenuStrip object.
If you have a global menu for all your applications windows but you want some windows to have no menu, use the NoMenus field.
Window.MenuStrip := TMUIMenuStrip.Create; Men := TMUIMenu.Create; with Men do begin Title := 'Test Menu'; // Name of Menu (thats the one in the ScreenBar) Parent := MUIApp.MenuStrip; // attach to the Menustrip end; with TMUIMenuItem.Create do begin Title := 'Config'; // Text on the menu item Parent := Men; // attach to the Menu OnTrigger := @ConfigStart; // Event to call when selected end; with TMUIMenuItem.Create do begin Title := 'Quit'; Parent := Men; OnTrigger := @QuitMe; end;
Temporarily disable the menu strip of a window. |