[i] Basename for an application
Source position: MUIClass.Base.pas line 257
published property TMUIApplication.Base : string |
The basename for an application. This name is used for the builtin ARexx port and for some internal file management.
A basename must neither contain spaces nor any special characters such as ":/()#?*...".
When your program is a single task application (i.e. MUIApp.SingleTaks is True), the base name will be used without further modification.
Otherwise, it gets a ".1", ".2", etc. appended, depending on how many applications are already running. If you need to know the name of your ARexx port, you can query the base name attribute after the application is created.
MUIApp.Title := 'WBMan'; MUIApp.Version := '$VER: WbMan 0.24 (19.7.93)'; MUIApp.Copyright := '© 1993 by Klaus Melchior'; MUIApp.Author := 'Klaus Melchior'; MUIApp.Description := 'Manages the WBStartup.'; MUIApp.Base := 'WBMAN';
[i] A copyright string, containing the year and the company. |
[i] Version string for the application. |
[i] Short description, about 40 characters. Shown e.g. in commodities exchange. |
[i] Name of the applications author. |
[i] Title of an application |