Unit 'MUIClass.Base' Package
[Overview][Constants][Types][Classes][Procedures and functions][Variables][Index] [#MUIClass]


[Properties (by Name)] [Methods (by Name)] [Events (by Name)]

The Application object, will be created as MUIApp at start of the program.


Source position: MUIClass.Base.pas line 147

type TMUIApplication = class(TMUINotify)


  constructor Create; override;


Create the Application object

  destructor Destroy; override;


Destroy the application object

  procedure GetCreateTags(); override;


Fill the Taglist with the informations to create the Application Object

  procedure CreateObject; override;


Create the MUI application item

  procedure AfterCreateObject; override;


Connect events after MUI application object is created

  procedure DestroyObject; override;


Destroy the MUI application item

  procedure Run;


Run the application.

  procedure ProcessMessages;

  procedure Terminate;


Terminate the currently running application

  property Terminated: Boolean; [r]


True if the application got terminated

  property MainWindow: TMUINotify; [r]


Link to the Main Window which will terminate the application when closed

  property Childs: TChildList;


List of children of this application actually all TMUIApplication

  procedure AddToDestroy();


Add an object to destroy.

  procedure DoException(); virtual;


Call when a Exception appears to show a MessageBox

  procedure AboutMUI();


Open the About MUI Window

  procedure AddInputHandler();


Adds an Input handler to for your object

  procedure RemInputHandler();


Remove the Eventhandler for your object

  procedure CheckRefresh;


Check if a MUI Item need a refresh, when blocked by ASL requester.

  procedure InputBuffered;


Buffer Input Messages on time consuming operations

  procedure Load();


Load program configuration for items with ObjectID

  procedure OpenConfigWindow;


Open application specific configuration window.

  procedure Save();


Save program configuration for items with ObjectIDs

  procedure ShowHelp();


Show an AmigaGuide help file.

  procedure SetREXXString();

  property Broker: PCxObj; [r]


Commodities Broker

  property DiskObject: Pointer; [rw]


Iconify Icon

  property ForceQuit: Boolean; [r]


Quit without questions

  property Iconified: Boolean; [rw]


Iconify the Application

  property Sleep: Boolean; [rw]


Put a whole application to sleep.


  property Active: Boolean; [rw]


Active Status of the Commodities Setting (in Exchange))

  property Author: string; [rw]


[i] Name of the applications author.

  property Base: string; [rw]


[i] Basename for an application

  property BrokerPri: Integer; [rw]


[i] Adjust the priority of an applications broker.

  property Commands: TAREXXCommands; [rw]

  property Copyright: string; [rw]


[i] A copyright string, containing the year and the company.

  property Description: string; [rw]


[i] Short description, about 40 characters. Shown e.g. in commodities exchange.

  property HelpFile: string; [rw]


AmigaGuide style file to be displayed when the user requests online help.

  property Menustrip: TMUINotify; [rw]


[i] Specify a menu strip object for the application.

  property SingleTask: Boolean; [rw]


[i] Set application as a single task program

  property Title: string; [rw]


[i] Title of an application

  property UseCommodities: Boolean; [rw]


[i] Run the application without a commodities interface

  property UseRexx: Boolean; [rw]

  property Version: string; [rw]


[i] Version string for the application.

  property OnActivate: TNotifyEvent; [rw]


Application got activated by Exchange

  property OnDeactivate: TNotifyEvent; [rw]


Application got deactivated by Exchange

  property OnDoubleStart: TNotifyEvent; [rw]


Second start of a single task application

  property OnIdle: TNotifyEvent; [rw]


Event on every message loop cycle

  property OnIconify: TNotifyEvent; [rw]


Event triggered when the application got iconified

  property OnRestore: TNotifyEvent; [rw]


Event triggered when application got restored from iconified state

  property OnException: TExceptionEvent; [rw]


Event called when an Exception happend

  property OnRexxMsg: TRexxMsgEvent; [rw]





The Application object, will be created as MUIApp at start of the program.




Notify class is superclass of all other MUI classes.




Base class for all MUI Class




At the moment it's not planed to have multiple Application objects, thus it could make sense to emulate Modal windows. Complain if you want to have that changed. The main application object will be automatically created at start of the program and destroyed at the end. See MUIApp for an example.

See also



The global MUI Application object

Documentation generated on: 2025-03-11