Unit 'MUIClass.Group' Package
[Overview][Classes][Index] [#MUIClass]


This attributes defines the number of the active entry in the cycle gadgets.


Source position: MUIClass.Group.pas line 230

published property TMUICycle.Active : Integer
  read GetActive
  write SetActive
  default 0;


Valid range is from 0 for the first entry to NumEntries-1 for the last.

Setting Active causes the gadget to be updated. On the other hand, when the user plays around with the gadget, Active will always reflects the current state.

Using MUIV_Cycle_Active_Next and MUIV_Cycle_Active_Prev as attribute value during set causes the gadget to cycle through its entries in the given direction.

If the user changes the active Entry the Event OnActiveChange will be triggered

See also



[i] Entries shall be displayed in your cycle gadget.



Event triggered when Active is changed

Documentation generated on: 2025-03-11