Unit 'MUIClass.Numeric' Package
[Overview][Classes][Index] [#MUIClass]


[Properties (by Name)] [Methods (by Name)] [Events (by Name)]

Numeric class is the base class for everything that deals with the input (and display) of integer numbers.


Source position: MUIClass.Numeric.pas line 12

type TMUINumeric = class(TMUIArea)


  procedure GetCreateTags(); override;


Fill TagList for MUI item creation

  procedure AfterCreateObject; override;


Connect Events after the MUI item is created


  constructor Create; override;


Create a Numeric object

  procedure CreateObject; override;


Create the MUI item

  procedure Decrease;


Decrease the value of a numeric class object.

  procedure Increase;


Increase the value of a numeric class object.

  function ScaleToValue();


This method takes the given sale values and transforms them to something between the numeric objects min and max values.

  function Stringify();


Translate a Value to a string

  function ValueToScale();


This method takes the current value of the numeric object and transforms it to another scale determined by the parameters.


  property CheckAllSizes: Boolean; [rw]


Calculate the needed space for all possible Values.

  property Default: Integer; [rw]


Adjust the default value for a numeric input/display gadget.s

  property Format: string; [rw]


printf-style string to describe the format of the slider display.

  property Min: Integer; [rw]


Adjust the minimum value for a numeric input/display gadget.

  property Max: Integer; [rw]


Adjust the maximum value for a numeric input/display gadget.

  property Reverse: Boolean; [rw]


Reverse the display of a numeric gadget.

  property RevLeftRight: Boolean; [rw]


Reverse the function of left/right keys.

  property RevUpDown: Boolean; [rw]


Reverse the function of up/down keys.

  property Value: Integer; [rw]


Adjust the current value for a numeric input/display gadget.

  property OnValueChange: TNotifyEvent; [rw]


Event when Value is changed.





Numeric class is the base class for everything that deals with the input (and display) of integer numbers.




Super class for every other MUI class except windows and applications




Subclass of TNotify to introduce the Parent relation




Notify class is superclass of all other MUI classes.




Base class for all MUI Class




Numeric class itself does not feature any GUI elements, it just offers some basic attributes and methods which are common to all types of sliders. Creating direct instances of this class usually doesn't make any sense. Instead, use one of the included subclasses like Slider, NumericButton or Knob to select the type of gadget you need.

See also



The slider class generates a gui element that allows a user to adjust a numeric value.



Save saving Slider



This is a subclass of Numeric class which offers a knob that the user may turn.

Documentation generated on: 2025-02-06