Unit 'MUIClass.Group' Package
[Overview][Classes][Index] [#MUIClass]


[Properties (by Name)] [Methods (by Name)] [Events (by Name)]

Group class is responsible for the complete layout of a MUI window.


Source position: MUIClass.Group.pas line 10

type TMUIGroup = class(TMUIArea)


  procedure GetCreateTags(); override;


Fill TagList for MUI item creation

  procedure AfterCreateObject; override;


Connect events after MUI item creation


  property Childs: TChildList;


List of Childs in this Group

  constructor Create; override;


Create a Group object

  procedure CreateObject; override;


Create the MUI item

  procedure InitChange; override;


Prepares a group for dynamic adding/removing of objects.

  procedure ExitChange; override;


Terminates InitChange state.


  property ActivePage: Integer; [rw]


Set (or get) the active page of a page group.

  property Columns: Integer; [rw]


Indicate number of columns in a two dimensional group.

  property Horiz: Boolean; [rw]


Indicate whether the objects in this group shall be layouted horizontally or vertically.

  property HorizSpacing: Integer; [rw]


Number of pixels to be inserted between horizontal elements of a group.

  property PageMode: Boolean; [rw]


Make the current group a page group.

  property Rows: Integer; [rw]


Number of rows in a two dimensional group.

  property SameHeight: Boolean; [rw]


Indicate that all children of this group shall have the same height.

  property SameSize: Boolean; [rw]


This is a shorthand for SameWidth and SameHeight, it sets both of these attributes at once.

  property SameWidth: Boolean; [rw]


Indicate that all children of this group shall have the same width.

  property Spacing: Integer; [rw]


This is a shorthand for HorizSpacing and VertSpacing, it sets both of these attributes at once.

  property VertSpacing: Integer; [rw]


Number of pixels to be inserted between vertical elements of a group.

  property OnPageChange: TNotifyEvent; [rw]


Event when ActivePage was changed.





Group class is responsible for the complete layout of a MUI window.




Super class for every other MUI class except windows and applications




Subclass of TNotify to introduce the Parent relation




Notify class is superclass of all other MUI classes.




Base class for all MUI Class




A group may contain any number of child objects, maybe buttons, cycle gadgets or even other groups.

Some attributes of group class define how the children of a group are layouted. You can e.g. tell your group to place its children horizontally (in a row) or vertically (in a column). Since every MUI object knows about its minimum and maximum dimensions, group class has everything it needs to do that job.

More sophisticated layout is possible by assigning different weights to objects in a group or by making a group two-dimensional.

Beneath the layout issues, a group object passes attributes and methods through to all of its children. Thus, you can talk and listen to any child of a group by talking and listening to the group itself.

Documentation generated on: 2024-10-23